Tariff classification
Please note that the commodity code provided by searching the Alphabetic Index is of the indicative nature.
Tariff classification
In the field „Commodity description“ the searched word, the fragment of a word or few words should be entered (a fragment of a word should be entered with a special sign).
The text can be entered using small or capitals letters.
The commodity description can be searched in the nomenclature tree or in the alphabetic index by choosing the appropriate button (the search in the alphabetic index can be used in Lithuanian only).
The mark „%“ is used to search for commodity description according to a word fragment (s). This mark can be used in any place within a word.
1 example: when searching for „pack%“, the results are texts containing „packs“, „packings“, „packer“, „packed“, etc.
2 example: when searching for „bi%ts“, the results are texts containing „biscuits“, „billets“, „bits“, etc.
Only one sign /symbol is found instead mark „_“ This mark can be used in any place within a word.
Example: when searching for „processe_“, the results are texts containing „processes“ or „processed“.
The mark „AND“ or „&“ is used to search for commodity description containing at the same time all of the search components.
Example: when searching for „live AND animals“ or „live & animals“, the results are: „LIVE ANIMALS, "Live bovine animals“ and "Other live animals“.
The mark „OR“ or „|“ is used to search for commodity description containing at least one occurrence of each component of the search.
Example: when searching for „potatoes OR meat“ or „potatoes | meat“, the results are texts containing word „potatoes“ or „meat“ or both of them.
More information for the commodity description search can be found in the „Help“.