Last update date:   2025-02-17  

Reference validity date

WARNING. If "Reference validity date" is indicated as the future date, the provided information can be imprecise/incomplete.


What is LITAR?

The Integrated Tariff of the Republic of Lithuania LITAR is the set of information on EU tariff measures and national taxes as well as some import and export restrictions and prohibitions, compiled and managed as computerised database.


Integrated Tariff contains data of Integrated Tariff of the European Community TARIC, applicable in the Republic of Lithuania since 1 May 2004, supplemented by data in force since 1 May 2004 on national taxes (VAT and excise) administered by the Customs.

Why is LITAR useful?

LITAR is an instrument intended for the search of the EU tariff and some non-tariff information as well as information on national tax (excise and VAT) rates; however, a computerized database is not a legislative act, therefore LITAR itself does not have the status of a legal instrument. In order to explore customs duties and other taxes as well as conditions of their implementation, you should find out a relevant legislation (EC regulation, Excise or VAT Law of the Republic of Lithuania, etc.).


In LITAR (by choosing “Duty calculation” reference), the Tax calculation and validation system (TCVS-web) is also available. TCVS-web allows to get (according to the data describing goods and data necessary for customs clearance) information about import/export restrictions and prohibitions, integrated into the LITAR system, applicable to a given commodity code, and to calculate on-line the duties and taxes for this commodity code.